2014年11月21日 星期五

Guolin Qigong (GLQG, or glqg) -walking qigong for anticancer

731,000 results
  1. Cancer Qigong Therapy Healing - Qi Gong New York

    Qigong Healing Walk: Cancer Therapy Qigong Healing Walk: Complementary Cancer Therapy is a form of movement therapy that complements the standard medical cancer ...
  2. Qigong for Cancer - About

    Qigong for cancer is an old practice worldwide, but relatively new in the United States. What are the benefits and how can you get started?
  3. Walking Qigong (Guolin Qigong) - The Anti-Cancer Qigong

    Walking Qigong. The Anti-Cancer Qigong. WHAT!? Walking Qigong? Yeah man, why not? If there are standing, sitting, sleeping, and fragrant Qigong's, why not a walking …
  4. Breast Cancer - Qigong

    what is qigong Dealing with breast cancer makes tremendous demands on your energy or life force. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), we call this ...
  5. living with nose cancer: cancer and qigong

    12/26/2009 · I have heard of the benefits of qigong but did not know where to find the right class to join until I attended a talk organised by the NPC support group.
  6. Qigong and Cancer Treatment | QiGong Forest

    For an introduction to Qigong and cancer treatment, see the study from China. The causes of many incurable diseases have been documented, and treatments have been ...
  7. Cancer Tumor Qigong Healing Zhineng Qigong - World …

    Zhineng Qigong Dissolved Tumor 智能气功化瘤子, Using the ZhiNeng QiGong Healing Method to Dissolve a tumor - English version, Dissolving a tumor with chi kung ...
  8. anti-cancer Qigong - Qigong for life

    Anticancer Qigong" Open the windows, let some fresh air in, it is stuffy here!" This is the principle of Anticancer Qigong Therapy. Opening the windows are the heart ...
  9. Breast Cancer - What is Qigong

    Dealing with breast cancer makes tremendous demands on your energy or life force. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), we call this life force, Qi ...
  10. Qigong and cancer - CANCERactive

    Qigong - an energy therapy for cancer patients: Qigong is an Energy Therapy, and helps cancer patients rebalance their energy. Interestingly, it featured ...

2014年11月15日 星期六

郭林氣功Guolin QiGong anticancer 健身抗癌養生課程自學/進修教材

在 大書城 以“ 全文 模式”搜“ 陈秀坤 ”共有 结果:
同時支援繁體 / 正體 / 简体字輸入搜索
繁體書 作者:陳秀坤  出版:商務  日期:2013-03-01 
現今癌症日益普遍,患者人數漸見增加,對患者或家屬都帶來折磨。北京女畫家郭林子宮癌及膀胱癌齡35年,在患末期癌症時為了自救,創編了一套抗擊自身癌症和多種慢性病的系列化新氣功功法。認真練習郭林氣功,配以中西醫治療,加上飲食及日常生活調理,對不少癌症、常見慢性病及疑難病患者都有顯著輔助療效。 本書由郭林親傳弟子、有近20年 ...
售價:HK$ 176.0 

繁體書 作者:陳秀坤  出版:達觀  日期:2014-10-01 
★中國國家體育局官方認證健身功法 全球風行 結合作者二十多年習練郭林氣功的體驗,系統介紹郭林氣功抗癌健身的原理、健身方法與功法。權威現身說法,造福大眾。 一、郭林是古今中外第一人提出調動人體「內氣」即「生物電」,通過體內訊息網路系統(西醫的神經系統和中醫的經絡系統),促進體液和氣血循環,整體調理各臟腑和各組織器官的 ...
售價:HK$ 126.0 

『简体书』 作者:陈秀坤  出版:人民体育出版社  日期:2012-4-1 
